Reports of Legionellosis have been increasing throughout Ontario. There have been 13 confirmed and 1 probable cases of legionellosis reported between July 1 and July 28, 2021 in the Region of Peel. Eleven of the cases are in the City of Mississauga and 3 cases are in the City of Brampton. Legionellosis is an acute...
Tag: infection
Real World Evidence for COVID-19 Vaccines
Similar to clinical trials, real world cohort and case-control studies find COVID-19 infections are reduced by >90% with two doses of mRNA vaccines. Single doses of either mRNA or AstraZeneca vaccine decreases infections by ~60% and hospitalizations by 70-80%. Vaccine effectiveness appears similar for variants of concern and are safe for pregnant women. HMC
Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine after CPVID-19 infection
Peel Public Health has confirmed with the Ministry of Health Emergency Operations centre that individuals with a previous COVID-19 infection may receive their COVID-19 vaccination at any time after they have recovered as long as they have completed self-isolation and have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours. HMC
Update on 2019-nCoV
Canada has had 4 and Ontario 3 confirmed cases as of Feb 3, 2020. This are 29 cases under investigation in Ontario. There were no cases in Peel Region. Worldwide, 17485 confirmed cases and 362 deaths have been reported to date. Airborne droplet and contact precautions are highly recommended. If you have respiratory symptoms and...
Ear Infection
Despite observed increased β-lactamase-producing Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) carriage in the nasopharynx, amoxicillin remains the treatment of choice for young children with acute otitis media.
Peel Region Residents
Low risk of infection including hepatitis B and C, HIV in 1000 of Peel Residents who received treatment at a surgical facility in Burlington called Ontario Institute of Facial Surgery. Contact your health care provider to be tested if you have been treated in this facility.