The first two cases in Peel Region were tested positive on March 4th who were a couple aboard Grand Princess Cruise Ship from February 11- 21 out of San Fransisco. Both are recovering at home in self-isolation.
The risk to the public remains low. There is no evidence that COVID-19 is circulating in the community.
All returning travellers from Iran and Hubei Province in China, persons under investigation (until informed that their test is negative), or close contacts of a confirmed case must self-isolate for 14 days. They should report to Public Health as soon as respiratory symptoms develop to be tested.
Testing symptomatic returning travellers or contacts is not recommended at this time.
Again be aware that tests are not done in clinics including HMC. You need to contact Peel Public Health or nearest emergency department if you have concerns about COVID-19.
Government of Canada has issued level 3 advisory to avoid non-essential travel to China, Iran and northern Italy, level 2 health advisory to practice special precautions for travelling to South Korea and Japan, level 1 advisory to practice usual precautions to go to Hong Kong and Singapore.