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Update on 2019-nCoV

Canada has had 4 and Ontario 3 confirmed cases as of Feb 3, 2020. This are 29 cases under investigation in Ontario. There were no cases in Peel Region. Worldwide, 17485 confirmed cases and 362 deaths have been reported to date. Airborne droplet and contact precautions are highly recommended. If you have respiratory symptoms and...


Screen for Colon Cancer !

Colorectal Cancer Canada(CCC) states Colorectal Cancer (CRC) deaths are continuing to decline in Canada. This is likely due to improvements in treatment and diagnosis. The decline in CRC death rates are consistent with a relatively large contribution from screening and with a smaller impact of risk factor reductions. CRC develops from precancerous polyps. Screening tests...


Prostate Cancer Screening: No Effect on Overall Mortality

Routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening for prostate cancer remains controversial, as the debate continues over the bank between potential benefits and potential harm. A new systematic review and meta-analysis has found that at best, prostate cancer screening using a PSA blood test leads to a small reduction in disease-specific mortality over 10 years, but it...