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Peel Region Family Health Service Update

Peel families with young children are able to speak with a Public Health Nurse by calling the Region of Peel at 905-799-7700. Caledon residents can call 905-584-2216. Prenatal clients can register for online prenatal education at Infant feeding resources and videos are available online HMC  


Emergency Child Care for Health Care Workers and Front-Line Workers

Emergency child care is being offered at licensed centres across Brampton, Mississauga and Caledon. Eligibility criteria can be found on the Province’s website ( There is an online application ( for eligible families to request emergency child care. HMC


Xanthelasma: -Comes from Greek: xanthos (yellow) and elasma (beaten metal plate). -Was described by Addison and Gall in 1851. -Is most often located around the eyes, mostly in the inner canthus. -It is a marker of elevated lipids 50% of the time. -Treatment includes surgical excision, laser therapy, chemical cautherization, electrodessication and cryotherapy.

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