Dear community members and families, In the last few weeks, we have seen significant movement in our understanding of the COVID-19 vaccines. As of today, here is what we know: The vaccines are safe The vaccines approved for use in Canada work by sending a message to our body’s immune system to stimulate our natural immune response....
Category: doctors
Answering Patient Questions about COVID-19 Vaccines
Dear Patients, As you all know, the first vaccines are being given to higher-risk people and healthcare workers. But we look forward to when you all will have access to the vaccine. We do not yet know the place or the timing and we will communicate this when we do. Appropriate steps taken – The...
Important Safety Information on ELMIRON (pentosan polysulfate sodium) and the Risk of Pigmentary Maculopathy – Janssen Inc.
Cases of pigmentary maculopathy have been reported with long-term use of ELMIRON. These changes may be irreversible, and retinal and vision changes may progress even after cessation of therapy. This medicine is usually used for urinary symptoms and pain associated with interstitial cystitis, a condition that presents with painful and frequent urination. HMC
Ultraviolet (UV) lights and wands falsely claiming to disinfect against COVID-19
Health Canada is warning Canadians about the risks of using ultraviolet (UV) lights and wands that make unproven claims to disinfect against the COVID-19 virus. HMC
Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine can have serious side effects. These drugs should be used only under the supervision of a physician.
Health Canada is concerned that some people may be directly buying and using chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to prevent or treat COVID-19 without a prescription. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine may cause serious side effects, including serious heart rhythm problems. The risk of these side effects may increase at higher doses, or if the drugs are used in...
Shortage of salbutamol inhalers in Canada
Increased demand for salbutamol inhalers due to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to reported shortages and limited supply of this product in Canada. Health Canada is taking steps to mitigate the impact of the shortages and is providing advice to Canadians on how to conserve supply. HMC
Fraudulent and unauthorized N95 respirators may not protect consumers against COVID-19
Health Canada has received reports that fraudulent and uncertified N95 respirators that falsely claim to protect consumers against COVID-19 are being illegally sold to consumers online and in some stores. In Canada, N95 respirators are regulated by Health Canada as Class I medical devices and are manufactured or imported by companies that hold a Medical Device Establishment...
Health Canada is temporarily authorizing the use of technical-grade ethanol in hand sanitizer products
Health Canada has assessed the risks and benefits of hand sanitizers containing technical-grade ethanol and has concluded that, when used as directed and for a short period, the public health benefit to limit the spread of COVID-19 outweighs the risks. Based on its risk assessment, Health Canada is taking action immediately to ensure the safety...
Emergency Child Care for Health Care Workers and Front-Line Workers
Emergency child care is being offered at licensed centres across Brampton, Mississauga and Caledon. Eligibility criteria can be found on the Province’s website ( There is an online application ( for eligible families to request emergency child care. HMC
Exposure in Peel to a Confirmed Case of Measles
Peel Public Health is issuing an alert that there has been an exposure to a confirmed case of measles within Peel Region. People who were on the following flights and in the following locations on January 27, 2019, may have been exposed to measles: Lufthansa flight LH-470, from Frankfurt to Toronto Air Canada flight AC-834/LH 6829...
Urology Service
We had the pleasure of having Dr. Morris, Urologist, starting his work at our Clinic today. He is a very professional, pleasant, and humble physician who joined us recently. He sees not only our Clinic patients but also accepts referrals from other physicians in Brampton. Our waiting time is less than a month and consult...