Tag: Clinic
Peel Youth COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics
In order to support the vaccination of students before returning to school in the Fall, beginning Saturday, June 5, 2021, youth of at least 12 years old in Peel can receive their COVID-19 vaccine at school pop-up locations. Walk-in appointments are available for youth enrolled in special education programs, or youth seeking a different environment...
All Peel residents aged 18+ are now eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccine
Effective May 6, all Peel residents aged 18 or older are eligible for vaccination, including those who do not live in provincially designated hot spots. Please note that in order to be eligible, individuals must be at least 18 years of age at the time of their vaccination. Eligible residents can book appointments at any of Peel...
COVID-19 Vaccination of the Senior 65+ Population
Peel residents aged 65-69 are now eligible to get vaccinated for COVID-19 at hospital clinics. Appointments for the 65-69 age group will also be expanded to Peel Public Health community clinic sites in the coming days. In alignment with the Ministry’s Guidance for Prioritization of Phase 2 Populations for COVID-19 Vaccination, individuals with the following conditions, along...
COVID-19 Vaccination of the Senior 75+ Population
• As of March 22nd, Peel residents aged 75 and older (including those who will turn 75 in 2021) are eligible to get vaccinated for COVID-19. These residents are currently being invited to book appointments at Peel Public Health clinics as well as hospital clinic sites. To access appointment booking for any of these sites, eligible...
Emergency Child Care for Health Care Workers and Front-Line Workers
Emergency child care is being offered at licensed centres across Brampton, Mississauga and Caledon. Eligibility criteria can be found on the Province’s website ( There is an online application ( for eligible families to request emergency child care. HMC
No scientific evidence that ibuprofen worsens COVID-19 symptoms
Health Canada is aware of reports, including on social media, that reference safety issues with the use of ibuprofen in COVID-19 cases. There is no scientific evidence that establishes a link between ibuprofen, or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and the worsening of COVID-19 symptoms. The Government of Canada is monitoring the situation closely, including...
Update on 2019-nCoV
Canada has had 4 and Ontario 3 confirmed cases as of Feb 3, 2020. This are 29 cases under investigation in Ontario. There were no cases in Peel Region. Worldwide, 17485 confirmed cases and 362 deaths have been reported to date. Airborne droplet and contact precautions are highly recommended. If you have respiratory symptoms and...
We are sad to announce that our cardiologist had to leave our clinic. We apologize our community for the inconvenience. However, we do our best to replace another physician as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience and trusting us.
Flu Vaccines
Flu Vaccines are under way in October in our clinic. Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season. Influenza is a potentially serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. An annual seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to help protect against flu.
That’s what our physician at the clinic asked us to write on the website: I don’t usually share my stories happening daily but this is what I heard today from a 5 year old girl who understood me more than anyone else and more importantly she could verbalize it in the cutest way possible; I...
We are expecting guests for our reopening party now!
Please feel free to join us today anytime from 10-7.